Ein Team von 3 Mitarbeitern reinigt die Küche eines Kunden
Residential Cleaning
We do more than just clean. Let us provide you with a customed client experience.
An employee cleaning a monitor on the client's desk
Offices & Commercial
Our team provides a 5-Star cleaning service, helping you maintain a high-performance workspace
Angestellter in Uniform mäht den Rasen mit einem Rasenmäher
Facility Services
No Fuss Facility Services with Kristall-Klar. We fulfill all your needs.

Get a Free Consultation

We look forward to helping you create and maintain a clean, healthy environment that’s as enjoyable as it is functional.

Cleanliness is our strength, reliability our mission, and customer satisfaction our top priority

Kristall-Klar stands for competence, quality and efficiency. Our highly qualified personnel take the work out of your home. By making your needs our top priority, our experts ensure 5-Star results. With the aim of 100% satisfaction, we conduct regular training of all employees, ensuring all services are carried out to your exact needs and wants.

Why Choose Kristall-Klar?

Our Services

You Name It, We Do It!

Kristall Klar employee folding a customer's laundry

Residential Cleaning

Through experience we have learned that the best way to understand and fulfil our clients’ needs is through open, regular communication and on-site quality control.
Our hand-picked employees work hard to personalise your cleaning experience and go above and beyond to make your home feel like a 5-Star hotel.

Regular Cleaning
Waschen & Bügeln
Changing Bed Linen
Deep Cleaning
Waste Disposal
Garden Maintenance
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An employee cleaning a monitor on the client's desk

Offices & Commercial

Having a clean and tidy workspace is essential in creating a high performance environment for your employees. Each member of our team is trained in the cleaning of specialised office equipment and works with discretion and respect.

Office Cleaning
Medical Practice Cleaning
Fenster- & Fassadenreinigung
Commercial Spaces

Disinfection Cleaning

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An employee cleaning the grass on the sidewalk

Facility Services

Kristall-Klar takes a pro-active approach to Facility Services. We go above and beyond to ensure that you are 100% satisfied. Our hands-on mentality ensures that all maintenance, tasks and issues are carried out effectively and efficiently.

Communal Area Cleaning
Garden Maintenance
Technical Services
Fenster- & Fassadenreinigung
Heizung & Klima Kontrolle
Winter Services
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An employee in a blue shirt cleaning a glass swiping door

Fenster- & Fassaden

Cleaning your windows can be a daunting task. Let us take this stress away and allow you to relax and just enjoy the view. We offer a wide range of services and take on even the most difficult windows to access.

Fenster & Rahmen
Storen & Lamellen
Balkone & Geländer
Glass Walls
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Kristall Klar employee folding a clients laundry

End-of-Lease Cleaning

Moving is energy and time-consuming. Let our professional and specialised cleaning team take this especially tedious task off your hands and mind.

Handover Guarantee
Handover Coordination
Stain Removal
Fenster & Storen
Garden Maintenance
Specialised Machines
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An employee in a blue uniform vacuuming a floor on a construction site

End-of-Construction Cleaning

Dirt inevitably accumulates wherever construction work takes place. This is why professional assistance is vital in the management of constructions site and preventing your newly built work from being damaged by incorrect treatment.

Cleaning during Construction
Dust Removal
Final Cleaning
Post Cleaning
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An employee in a uniform crystalizing a marble staircase

Specialised Services

We offer more than a basic cleaning. We also help you with stubborn stains on the sofa, the care of your parquet floor or even if your motorboat needs a spring cleaning.

Stain Removal
Wood Treatment
Leather Furniture Care
Marble Crystallization
Carpet Treatment
Moos Removal
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Kristall Klar employee folding a customer's laundry

Residential Cleaning

Through experience we have learned that the best way to understand and fulfil our clients’ needs is through open, regular communication and on-site quality control.
Our hand-picked employees work hard to personalise your cleaning experience and go above and beyond to make your home feel like a 5-Star hotel.

Regular Cleaning
Washing & Ironing
Changing Bed Linen
Deep Cleaning
Waste Disposal
Garden Maintenance
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An employee cleaning a monitor on the client's desk

Offices & Commercial

Having a clean and tidy workspace is essential in creating a high performance environment for your employees. Each member of our team is trained in the cleaning of specialised office equipment and works with discretion and respect.

Office Cleaning
Medical Practice Cleaning
Windows & Façades
Commercial Spaces

Disinfection Cleaning

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An employee cleaning the grass on the sidewalk

Facility Services

Kristall-Klar takes a pro-active approach to Facility Services. We go above and beyond to ensure that you are 100% satisfied. Our hands-on mentality ensures that all maintenance, tasks and issues are carried out effectively and efficiently.

Communal Area Cleaning
Garden Maintenance
Technical Services
Windows & Façades
Heating & Air-Con Maintenance
Winter Services
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An employee in a blue shirt cleaning a glass swiping door

Windows & Façades

Cleaning your windows can be a daunting task. Let us take this stress away and allow you to relax and just enjoy the view. We offer a wide range of services and take on even the most difficult windows to access.

Windows &. Frames
Shutters & Blinds
Balconies & Railings
Glass Walls
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Kristall Klar employee folding a clients laundry

End-of-Lease Cleaning

Moving is energy and time-consuming. Let our professional and specialised cleaning team take this especially tedious task off your hands and mind.

Handover Guarantee
Handover Coordination
Stain Removal
Windows & Shutters
Garden Maintenance
Specialised Machines
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An employee in a blue uniform vacuuming a floor on a construction site

End-of-Construction Cleaning

Dirt inevitably accumulates wherever construction work takes place. This is why professional assistance is vital in the management of constructions site and preventing your newly built work from being damaged by incorrect treatment.

Cleaning during Construction
Dust Removal
Final Cleaning
Post Cleaning
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An employee in a uniform crystalizing a marble staircase

Specialised Services

We offer more than a basic cleaning. We also help you with stubborn stains on the sofa, the care of your parquet floor or even if your motorboat needs a spring cleaning.

Stain Removal
Wood Treatment
Leather Furniture Care
Marble Crystallization
Carpet Treatment
Moos Removal
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Hands holding a planted tree as a symbol for environmental responsibility

What We Do

Environmental Responsibility

Our mission is to improve our local community by providing healthier and cleaner environments. This includes ensuring we do our part in safeguarding our planet for future generations

Our Goals:

What We Do

Social Responsibility

We continues to prioritize our goals in sustainability. Taking on a pro-active approach to giving back to our local community. In the globalised world that we live in today, we believe that supporting local causes and the community is more important today than ever before. We strive to not only support local businesses, but also local charities, schools, sports groups and more.

Kristall-Klar volunteers planting trees with kids
​​100% Satisfaction!

Client Feedback

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«Der ganze Ablauf bei Kristall-Klar war absolut perfekt! Die Mitarbeitenden sind ausnahmslos kompetent und kundenfreundlich – von der Terminreservierung bis zur Endausführung des Auftrags. Speziell loben möchte ich den Mitarbeiter. Lösungsorientiert setzte er sich für eine rasche und saubere Abwicklung ein. Ihm gilt ein grosses Dankeschön! Ich wünsche dem ganzen Team von kristall-klar weiterhin viel Erfolg!»

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«Ich möchte Ihnen sagen, die zwei Herren die hier bei uns die Fensterreinigung gemacht haben, haben einen SUPER JOB gemacht. Ein grosses Kompliment an Ihr Team! Ich habe schon lange nicht mehr gesehen das so exakt und sauber gearbeitet wurde, ich hatte meine grosse Freude daran»

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«Besten Dank für Ihr Mail. Ich bin sehr zufrieden, vor allem, dass immer die gleiche Mannschaft kommt und den gewünschten Ablauf kennt. Sehr gern komme ich auf Sie für einen Termin im Herbst zurück.»

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«Meine Familie, 3 Büsi und ich sind immer super zufrieden mit beide Putzperlen. Besten Dank!»

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«Ich bin immer sehr zufrieden gewesen mit den Dienstleistungen von Kristall-Klar. Man ist stets auf meine Wünsche eingegangen und die Putzperlen haben einen ausserordentlichen Einsatz gezeigt. Ich kann aus Erfahrung sagen – seinesgleichen findet man nicht einfach so. Danke dafür.»

Our Updates
Our Blog
Blue converse shoes on a parquet

Die Absatzstreifen entstehen grösstenteils durch den Abrieb dunkler...

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A black ant crawling on a pavement

Sobald es wieder wärmer wird laufen die fleißigen Krabbeltiere zur...

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Tarnished silver knife and fork on a table

Vielleicht mussten Sie auch schon feststellen, dass Ihr silberner...

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Glasses on a table next to a coffee and a pen

Das Problem einer beschlagenen Brille nervt dessen Träger meistens...

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An Alphid insect seating on a green leaf

Alle Jahre wieder machen die fiesen Blattläuse den Gärtnern das...

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Properly cut tulips placed on a table

Ein Strauss Schnittblumen sorgt bei den meisten für gute Laune und...

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Get a Free Consultation

We look forward to helping you create and maintain a clean, healthy environment that’s as enjoyable as it is functional.

Get a Free Consultation

We look forward to helping you create and maintain a clean, healthy environment that’s as enjoyable as it is functional.

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